Making his dishwashing liquid soap

How to make your own dishwashing liquid?
Here’s a quick and easy recipe to make your own natural product safe.
dishwashing  Grandmother’s recipe dishwashing liquid 
  1. Boil water in your kettle .
  2. Let cool slightly.
  3. Pour into your bottle the soap and baking soda.
  4. Add hot water ( not boiling) .
  5. Shake the bottle gently to mix .
  6. Put the lemon essential oil .
  7. Pour some dishwashing liquid on your sponge , then start your dishes .
dishwashing  Ingredients
  • 40 g of liquid soap
  • 500 ml hot water
  • 4 teaspoons of baking soda
  • 10 drops of lemon essential oil
dishwashing  Equipment
  • 500 ​​ml bottle ( old bottle of dishwashing liquid )
  • kettle
  • A funnel
dishwashing  The advice of our grandmothers
  • Regularly change your sponges for better hygiene.
  • Use a special brush to scrub the dishes too embedded .
  • You can replace the essential oil of lemon essential oil of orange, eucalyptus essential oil or the essential tea tree oil.

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