How to make a bath antiperspirant feet?
How to feel good feet ? To avoid unpleasant foot odor , there are many grandmother’s tricks . The foot bath cider vinegar helps to regulate perspiration and also to relieve tired feet.
Grandmother’s recipe foot bath house
- Heat water in a saucepan.
- Pour hot water into the basin .
- Add the cider vinegar and salt.
- Mix and wait until the water is about 38 ° .
- Prepare your towel next to you for the bath.
- Put your bare feet in the basin of water.
- Relax for 10 minutes.
- Out and wipe your feet.
- A tall glass of cider vinegar
- 1 tablespoon coarse salt
- Water
- A pan
- A basin
- A towel
The advice of our grandmothers
- The foot bath can be taken every day. It is strongly recommended for sweaty feet .
- Consider making regular foot care for your comfort and well-being.
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